Call Dan Izdebski today for a free estimate (517) 230-1240!____________Serving Laingsburg, Haslett, Williamston, East Lansing, Okemos, Owosso, Perry, Shaftsburg, Lansing, Bath & surrounding areas.

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Here are some unsolicited comments from satisfied customers:

"Thanks so much for all your great service.  You have been a good person to know and trust."  Dave

"Thank you for mowing and taking care of the tree.  You're the Best!"  Victoria

"Thanks again for doing such a beautiful job on my yard."  Amy

"Dan, thanks for taking care of our yard while we were gone for the summer." Dee & Jack

"I appreciate the excellent work you and your sidekick do."  Lisa

"Thanks Dan for everything.  It's awesome!"  Greg

"I think you do a terrific job (snow plowing).  Thank you for all your hard work."   June

"I think you and the crew have done a spectacular job."  Vici

"Thanks for doing a good job, especially all the trimming." Anita

"We appreciate all you do."  Nancy & Rudy

"You guys are doing a great job!"  Laurie

"I love the mulching you did." Barbara

"Thanks for taking care of things while we were gone." Gloria

"Thank you for your dependable and thoughtful service this past winter!"  Roberta

"THANK YOU for all your hard work." June

"Thanks for fitting us in on short notice.  The lawn looks great!  We got our (mower) fixed, but will keep you in mind for future needs and happily refer you to others." Diana

"Thanks again for another year- job well done." Victoria

"I really appreciate your flexibility."  Harriet

"Thanks Dan.  A good job.  Count on me for next snow season."  Jim

"Great work on my yard this season!!"  Jennifer C.

"Hi Dan, Looks great, Thank you."  Mary

"Thank you for doing a splendid job!"  Helen

"Thank you for your excellent service!"  Jennifer R.

"The yard looks great!  .... It was a nice surprise to come home to a leaf-free manicured lawn.  Thank you." Laurie

"What a refreshing delight to have someone so quickly able and willing to help in our time of need.  You are so kind."  Howard

"Thank you for your patience, understanding, dependability and loyalty.  You seem to understand and do what I need... I appreciate being able to trust (you)."  Wendy

"Thank you for a job well done.  The lawn looks really nice."  Judy

"Thanks for doing an awesome job on the spring clean up for my yard."  Laurie


Twin Oaks lawn mowing by owner Dan Izdebski.

Twin Oaks mulching project.

Twin Oaks line trimming

Twin Oaks trailer for mulch, stones, leaves and more.

Twin Oaks snow plowing service.

Twin Oaks leaf removal job.

Twin Oaks leaf disposal project.






    You can be next.  Please call Dan at (517) 230–1240 for a prompt, free estimate on any services or click here.

    Dan Izdebski - Owner
    Twin Oaks Mowing & Snowplowing

HomeServicesFree Quote or QuestionsCustomer CommentsContact Info
Twin Oaks Mowing & Snowplowing
Dan Izdebski - Owner
Laingsburg, MI
Telephone: (517) 230-1240
Copyright © 2011 Twin Oaks Mowing & Snowplowing
Last modified: 08/04/11
Contact Stephanie with questions or comments about this web site